Poor Fake Jake Tapper. He’s already whining about how will see some sort of ‘straw-man’ attack on him during the upcoming GOP debate on CNN this Wednesday. Fake Jake Tapper, whom so many so called ‘conservatives’ seem to love is whining:
>I anticipate that somebody — and I don’t know who, but I anticipate that at some point somebody is going to take a shot at me as the straw man, as the stand-in for the media writ large. I don’t know how it’s going to happen. I don’t know when it’s going to happen. I don’t know who it’s going to do — who is going to do it. We should probably lay some bets down in Vegas as to what is going to be the one who does it. I don’t know that it will be Donald Trump any more than it’s going to be Carly Fiorina or Ben Carson. I mean, the media is a whipping boy, and it’s a Republican debate.
Jake Tapper thinks the GOP debate is all about him ![]()
You know, let’s be frank, Republicans often take issue with the media writ large. So it could happen. My job is just to, if they’re raising an issue that I think needs explaining, to explain quickly but generally just to move on to the next question. Look, ISIS, health care, jobs, these are topics that are much more important than me. So I’ll try to focus the attention where it needs to go.
Of course, we all know who Tapper is whining about. It’s Donald Trump as none of the other GOP candidate would have the cajones to attack the leftist shill Fake Jake Tapper.
He is also bitter because he’s interview all other GOP candidates, but hasn’t been given one by Donald Trump. boo hoo sniff Jakey. Once again it looks like the moderators will make the debates all about themselves, rather than the candidates. Tapper will have faux conservative and Trump hater Hugh Hewitt to tagteam Trump during the debate.