In the world of Dana Perino and the GOPe it’s not considered a repulsive fantasy to control the southern border and control the flow of illegal alien invaders to this country. Dana Perino called securing the border a repulsive fantasy near the end of her interview with Jesse Waters on the O’Reilly Factor tonight. Perino didn’t have one of her meltdowns like she’s been having on The Five lately over Donald Trump and amnesty. She was just her usual arrogant, snotty self who personifies the GOPe party. Oh, she also compared Donald Trump to Al Qaeda on September 10th, 2001.
Dana Perino calls controlling border a repulsive fantasy |
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The Chamber of Commerce Republicans, controlling the border is a repulsive fantasy. Where else will they find all that cheap labor and future votes for Democrats who aren’t really much different. Dana Perino and Fox News’ continued spewing of Jeb Bush talking points is repuslive, and not a fantasy