If only Chris Matthews and other progressive liberal Democrats weren’t such compulsive liars. Tingles in one of his typical obnoxious responses to Republican female pollster just doesn’t want to believe Hillary Clinton will be forced to exit the 2016 presidential race. At the end of the segment with the GOP pollster Matthews said:
When Hillary Clinton quits this election, we’re going to shut down this show, OK?
Tingles: when Hillary Clinton quits, we shut down Hardball VIDEO |
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Of course it’s not like anyone is watching Chris Matthews or MSNBC these days anyway. CNN with their Malaysian airplane coverage is getting better ratings than they are.
August 19, 2015; 7:16 p.m. EasternKELLYANNE CONWAY, Republican strategist: …I do want her to hang on. I do, and here’s why. I worry that if she gets pushed out of the race too early, Chris, then, you’ve got Elizabeth Warren stepping in, she’s got plenty of time to raise the money and take that mantle.
CHRIS MATTHEWS, host: You think that’s going to happen?
CONWAY: But let’s get back to the word electable. This is so important to a conservative like me to hear–
MATTHEWS, host: Just before we go off into the crazy car again, do you actually think Elizabeth Warren is eventually going to go into this race?
CONWAY: If Hillary is truly damaged and if she exits on her own, yes.
MATTHEWS: OK, thank you for the if.
CONWAY: Why not?
MATTHEWS: We’re waiting right now– No, no, there’s a lot of if there. When Hillary Clinton quits this election, we’re going to shut down this show, OK?