So called ‘war-hero’ John McCain killed an amnedment in the Senate that would allow military service members to carry person firearms. They would’t be sitting ducks for jihadists like like Chattanoga. But McCain is more interested in arming ISIS than American military members as it turns out. During a July 23 interview on the Lars Larson Show, Senator Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV)52%
said that in June he “submitted an amendment” to the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) “to give military base commanders the authority to allow service members to carry personal firearms.”
John McCain killed amendment allowing service members to carry firearms |
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That was weeks before the heinous attack on Chattanooga, but he says the amendment went nowhere because Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)43%
“didn’t want the amendment as part of the bill and wouldn’t accept it.”On July 21–just 5 days after the heinous attack in Chattanooga–Senator Heller re-introduced his amendment and asked “that National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) conferees include [it]” so our troops can be armed for self-defense.