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Over 2,000 illegal alien sex offenders caught in last 3 years – media silent

More than 2,000 illegal aliens were caught as sex offenders over the past three years. Of these over 2,000, more than 500 of these illegal alien sex offenders committed their acts against minors. These illegal alien sex offenders, including the invidiuals who committed acts against minor are all a part of the Obama-Democrat ‘dreamers.’ Now we know where they got the term ‘dream’ from.

Over 2,000 illegal aliens sex offenders caught in last 3 years – media silent
Over 2,000 illegal aliens sex offenders caught in last 3 years - media silent

ICE’s four Texas field offices are located in Dallas, El Paso, Houston and San Antonio. The Dallas area of responsibility includes 128 counties in north Texas, and the state of Oklahoma. Dallas ERO deported 171 sex offenders so far in fiscal year 2014; 47 were convicted of sex offenses against a minor. In all of fiscal year 2013, the office deported 463 sex offenders; 154 were convicted of sex offenses against a minor. In 2013, all four Texas offices deported 2,124 sex offenders; 508 were convicted of sex offenses against a minor. In fiscal year 2012, Texas ERO offices deported 2,007 sex offenders, and 2,127 in 2011.

ICE officers routinely apprehend removable convicted sex offenders during targeted enforcement operations, or they are turned over to ICE custody when local/state jails or prisons release them after they serve their prison sentences. Additionally, ICE and the Texas Department of Public Safety have begun to regularly share information on sex offenders. This partnership allows ICE to cross-reference the list of sex offenders provided from the state to determine if they are removable aliens.

“Identifying and locating aliens convicted of sex offenses and other serious crimes are a high priority for our fugitive operations teams,” said Thomas P. Giles, field office director for ERO Dallas. “Ultimately, our efforts to remove these criminals from our streets, our communities and our country have a positive impact on public safety.”

Some of the more egregious offenses of the criminal alien sex offenders deported throughout Texas include: sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated sexual assault of a child.