Brianna Keiler is the leftist hack that will toss softball at Hillary Clinton in an interview tomorrow in Iowa. What CNN wouldn’t tell is that Brianna Keiler attended a Hillary Clinton staffer’s wedding back in June. In fact, here is a tweet of the picture with Brianna Keiler (before it gets scrubbed):
Press scrum!! #OTR #kirbyandadam
— Seth Bringman (@sethbringman) June 21, 2015
Brianna Keiler interviewing Hillary Clinton attended campaign staffer wedding |
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Brianna Keiler is the second from the right in this picture. We already expect the interview between Keiler and Clinton to be nothing but softballs. But with Brianna Keiler close enough to the Clinton’s that she attends a wedding of one of her staffers? That’s a whole other matter. The corrupt in this media is beyond pathetic and transparent.
The liberal hack named Seth Bringman who posted this picture tried to bash those who pointed out this conflict of interest by claiming it was a ‘DEM-ish’ event. Not exactly an earth shattering endorsement for Brianna Keiler.
Right-wingers still up in arms that reporters got invited to Dem-ish event and attended. Newsflash: Reporters have been to GOP weddings too!
— Seth Bringman (@sethbringman) July 6, 2015
CNN’s Brianna Keiler will interview Hillary Clinton tomorrow. This is a big “get” for both CNN and Keiler, and a smart move on Clinton’s part. CNN wages a constant war against the Right, and Keiler is personally close enough to Team Clinton that just two weeks ago, she attended a Clinton campaign staffer’s wedding.
For months, Clinton has been dodging the media. Now that the media has found a bunch of issues to beat the GOP over the head with — Rebel Flag, gay marriage, Donald Trump — Hillary understands that this is the perfect time for her to come out of her cocoon for a one-on-one with one of her own staffer’s close galpals.
The media, especially a left-wing outlet like CNN, is certain to ask her almost exclusively about softball issues and how awful the GOP is.