Obama’s lies since his reign of terror began are too numerous to list. To be fair to Obama, he’s no different than any other progressive liberal Democrat. They are all liars, power hungry tyrants. There is even a good chunk of so called Republicans who are just as bad. So here are his top five lies with videos compiled by Gateway Pundit:
Obama’s five biggest lies (VIDEO) |
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1.) If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan
Number of mentions: 37 timesAs Obama was pushing the tremendously unpopular legislation now known as ‘Obamacare’, at least 37 different times he promised that – If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan. Even the liberal media could not ignore it. This was lie of the year in 2013. After cancellation letters were sent to 4 million Americans, the public finally realized his breezy assurances were wrong.
2.) With Obamacare we will reduce your insurance premiums by $2,500, per family per year
Number of mentions: At least 22 timesBarack Obama promised repeatedly that Obamacare would reduce your premiums by $2,500 per year. It was a lie. The exact opposite happened. Average premiums have skyrocketed, for some groups as much as 78 percent.
3.) I cannot pass amnesty through executive action… I am not a dictator
Number of mentions: At least 22 timesAt least 22 times Obama said he couldn’t do executive amnesty himself. Then he implemented an immunity scheme via executive fiat. “In bypassing Congress, Obama blatantly ignored the rule of law that is the foundation of our democracy and violated his presidential oath to uphold the laws of this land.”
4.) Not one dime of Obamacare will go for abortions
Number of mentions: At least 12 times1,036 Obamacare plans cover abortions.
In spite of repeated promises that Obamacare would not pay for abortions, it is now clear that Obama lied. The GAO confirmed that Obama lied about this and if fact 1,036 Obamacare plans pay for abortions. In fact, the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Catholic nuns who provide care for the poor, were forced to file a class action mandate to obtain a judgment so they could refrain from providing access to abortion-inducing drugs.
5.) It was not my decision to pull all the troops from Iraq
Number of mentions: 2 times, maybe moreWhen Obama was running for reelection in 2012, he repeatedly took credit for “ending the war in Iraq.” Then in August 2014, when he sent troops back to Iraq to fight ISIS, Obama said removing U.S. troops from Iraq was not “my decision.” As a result of this reckless move, thousands of innocents have been murdered (including many beheadings), enslaved, relocated forcefully, terrorized and tortured. The horror of Obama’s Iraq blunder will be felt for generations.