Mark Halperin, the left wing Bloomberg writer and MSNBC hack has a problem with Hispanics it seems. Last month was the now infamous interview by Halperin wit Ted Cruz, asking questions like ‘do you list yourself as Hispanic’ or what’s Cruz’s “favorite Cuban food” and his “favorite “Cuban singer.” Leftists of course defended and circled the wagons for Mark Halperin, and he has seen no punishment by Bloomberg or NBC for his racist interview with Ted Cruz.
So now, Mark Halperin’s next target becomes Marco Rubio. Halperin got all hot and bothered by the mocking of the New York Times’ story about Marco Rubio and his wife traffic tickets dating bac to the 1990s. Halperin took to Twitter to raise this question:
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Mark Halperin hates Hispanics |
Those mocking @nytimes story on Rubios' traffic tickets: if the Clintons were exposed having those infractions, would you say the same?
— Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) June 6, 2015
Uh.. Nice try Mark. By Hillary Clinton hasn’t had to drive since the 1960’s. Hillary Cliinton hasn’t set foot in her own car since BJ Pedo Clinton became president in 1993. Prior to that BJ Clinton was Governor of Arkansas and it’s Attorney General. The Clinton’s got taken where ever they wanted to go.
So try again Mark Halperin. Your anti Hispanic side is showing. It doesn’t reflect well on Bloomberg and NBC that they pay you to spew your anti-Hispanic crap.