Her name is Erica Walker, and she hates America. Eric Walker who should change her last name to Holder did the Eric Sheppard challenge by stomping on an American flag on the sidewalks of Michigan.
Erica Walker hates America, stomps flag VIDEO |
That’s probably the most exercise Erica Walker has gotten in years. She is quite the porker.
Of course, like a typical, overweight progressive liberal, after this video viral, she deleted her Facebook page and post. It went viral after she originally uploaded it to Facebook and bragged about it.
Blacks aren’t really going to convince a lot of Americans what ‘victims’ they are with shenanigans like this.
Erica Walker released this sickening video showing her displeasure of America by stomping on the flag and saying “Fuck America” this is a trend that has been rising in some communities from the recent Ferguson and Baltimore riots.