As black thugs continue to riot, loot and torch the city of Baltimore, the Martin O’Malley and Maryland Democrat legacy is taking shape before our very eyes. Martin O’Malley was the Mayor of Baltimore 1999-2007. He then went on to be a two term far left governor of Maryland. When Larry Hogan was elected governor in a shocker in November, many liberal Democrats couldn’t understand how a Republican could win in such an overwhelming Democrat state. Ever since black leftist thugs started causing trouble after the Freddie Gray murder, there was no leadership from Democrats at all who control the city of Baltimore. In fact, it is Baltimore Democrat mayor Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who accepted the rioters and looters saying ‘we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.’
Martin O’Malley lousy policies in Maryland over the last eight years are starting to bear fruit. Black thugs rioting and looting and attacking innocent people in wheelchairs. Now that’s great endorsement to visit Baltimore or Maryland isn’t it?
Unless Larry Hogan is some sort of miracle worker, nothing will change in Maryland.
Baltimore riots – the Martin O’Malley-Democrat legacy |
This is Martin O’Malley’s legacy. This is the best alternate that the Democrats have to Hillary Clinton.