Who would have seen this coming? Iran has hardened their stance in nuclear talks with Heinz-Kerry knowing now that Obama is desperate to make a bad nuclear deal with them to screw over US and Israel. The Iran duke deal eases sanctions on Iran over a period of five years. The mullahs in Iran smelling blood want these sanction to end immediately. If the US and Euro pansies don’t agree to Iran’s demands, this could be a ‘deal breaker.’
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Iranians add new demands in nuclear talks |
A wounded Obama is on the warpath against our Israeli friends, and one way he intends to extend his middle finger to them is by doubling down on the terrible Iranian nuke deal. Since his ego is clearly wrapped up in his ‘deal at any cost’ posture, Tehran should squeeze every last concession they can out of Western negotiators. Just how far O is willing to go? The regime might as well prod for the answer to that question.
Tehran has reportedly already gotten the US to agree to conferring international legitimacy on their rogue nuclear program, allowing Iran to keep 6,000 centrifuges spinning (above the threshold believed to be necessary for a bomb), permitting them to keep their intercontinental missile program intact — all while attaching no meaningful requirements that Iran cut off its uniquely malignant facilitation of international terrorism, cease its destabilizing aggression in the region, or end its egregious human rights violations. And the deal’s restrictions sunset after a decade. Now Iran has added a precipitous lifting of all sanctions, the effects of which forced them to the bargaining table in the first place, to their demands. Before demonstrating a single shred of compliance. Remember, this is a regime that has already violated the current interim nuclear agreement, which allowed the talks to be extended. They’ve also flagrantly broken UN arms restrictions. And that’s just in the last year. In fairness, Obama’s petty antics may not have anything to do with Iranian negotiators’ sudden insistence upon rapid sanctions relief. Ed Morrissey notes that this is how they roll: “Iran pretends to negotiate for a while, and then finds reasons to stall talks and blame the West for the impasse. Then, while the West spends several months trying to find incentives to restart the process all over again, Iran has time to continue its progress on developing nuclear weapons.” Congress doesn’t like what it’s seeing. Some Republicans are moving to defund the negotiations: