Obama has been sending tax payer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-LIkud, anti Netanyahu groups in Israel for tomorrow’s election. Obama has sent the money and resoures to One Voice Movement and Victory 15 groups in Israel. If the Israelis are stupid enough to go left in the election, then that’s their own fault. The fact that the election is even supposed to be close is pathetic. Hey Israel, Never Again?
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Obama funneled $350,000 federal funds to anti-Likud One Voice Movement and Victory 15 |
As Israelis head to the polls tomorrow, news reports indicate that President Obama has funneled $350,000 of federal funds to anti-Likud groups such as the One Voice Movement and its subsidiary, the Victory 15 campaign, in hopes of defeating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama has also dispatched several of his top political operatives to Israel to help send Bibi packing. 2012 national campaign director Jeremy Bird has been directing V15 since January, and according to FoxNews.com’s Steven Edwards, “Bird took with him additional former Obama campaign operatives to help V15 achieve its goal of knocking on one million doors to make the case for a change in Israel’s leadership.” These moves are unlikely to survive heightened legal scrutiny. As Edwards explains, “One Voice is barred from directly targeting Netanyahu by U.S. law regulating its tax-exempt status, and doing so would threaten that status.” A bipartisan U.S. Senate investigation to get to the bottom of this outrage is already underway.