Just as expected, Weeper Boehner is cowering to Obama and Democrats. Boehner suspended House Rule XXII.
Clause four of House Rule XXII (not to be confused with the more-often cited Senate Rule XXII) provides: “When the stage of disagreement has been reached on a bill or resolution with House or Senate amendments, a motion to dispose of any amendment shall be privileged.”
This will give the Weeper of the House to bring up a six month, ‘clean’ DHS bill for a vote later this week which will likely pass with Democrat support, instead of Boehner’s Republican caucus.
Boehner suspends House Rule XXII – Clean DHS bill this week |
It’s long past time for Weeper Boehner to be kicked out of the speakership. Hopefully this will finally cause a full revolt against the cry baby.