Leftists REALLY hate American Sniper. It’s gotten to the point where progressive liberals are going out and defacing American Sniper billboards with ‘murder’ now. Over the weekend, fat pig leftists like Michael Moore whined about American Sniper and how Chris Kyle was a coward. You even had another fat pig, Canadian Seth Rogen compare American Sniper to Nazi propaganda.
American Sniper kind of reminds me of the movie that's showing in the third act of Inglorious Basterds.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) January 18, 2015
Unfortunately, this fat pig leftists have a big microphone to spew their anti American Sniper crap, so defacing billboards with ‘murder’ was pretty much inevitable.
Leftists deface American Sniper billboard with murder |
The american Sniper billboard was in Los Angeles, not exactly a hotbed of conservatives. LAPD says it will be virtually impossible to find the ‘tagger’ who spray painted MURDER! on the billboard.
That’s pretty pathetic when you consider the LAPD can usually find low level gangbanger taggers who spray-paint their gang signs on walls.
American Sniper took in over $105 just this past weekend alone. suck on that leftists.