The new Charlie Hebdo cover has been posted to social media. The new Charlie Hebdo cover will feature Muhammad holding a sign that says Je Suis Charlie. approve Muhammad’s had is a message: Tout es pardonné. Can’t wait to see how whack job Muslims react to this once it’s released on Wednesday. A normal issue of Charlie Hebdo has about 60,000 copies purchased. This upcoming edition of Charlie Hebdo with the so called prophet Muhammad will have three million copies printed.
New Charlie Hebdo cover – Muhammad featured |
Tout est pardonné. Mahoma també és Charlie Hebdo.
— Laia Vicens (@laiavicens) January 12, 2015
Tout est pardonné translates to English as ‘All is Forgiven.’
#CharlieHebdo new cover after attack. 3 million copies to be printed.
— James Smart (@jamessmat) January 12, 2015
I wonder if the American coward media will censor, or blur out Muhammad’s face so they don’t ‘offend’ Muslims.
BREAKING: New Cover for #CharlieHebdo comes online via @libe
— Conflict News (@rConflictNews) January 12, 2015