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Jonathan Gruber – ObamaCARE critics are adolescent children VIDEO

Even in the nutball state of Vermont, the state of Howard Dean, people were against ObamaCARE. It was so bad in fact that Jonathan Gruber referred to a letter by someone complaining about ObmaCARE as adolescent children. Now this is Vermont we’re talking about. Not Texas, not Alabama. Vermont is about the most far-left state in this country. They even have an admitted socialist as a Senator. The following video was released by It’s now the fifth video of Gruber mocking the American people over ObamaCARE. So let’s review Jonathan Gruber’s view of the American voter. Not only are they too dumb to know what’s good for them, but they are also adolescent children.

Jonathan Gruber - ObamaCARE critics are adolescent children VIDEO
Jonathan Gruber – ObamaCARE critics are adolescent children VIDEO

This is the typical progressive liberal Democrats view of the American people. People are too stupid to know what’s best for them, so government must take care of them instead.

As Gruber sits listening, the committee chair reads a comment from a Vermonter who expresses concern that the economist’s plan might lead to “ballooning costs, increased taxes and bureaucratic outrages,” among other things.

After hearing the Vermonter’s worries, Gruber responds, “Was this written by my adolescent children by any chance?”

The remark was met with uproarious laughter.

The video is the fifth in string of videos to surface this week in which Gruber publicly mocks citizens or boasts of his use of deception in crafting health care policies. Gruber is being paid $400,000 by the state of Vermont to advise Gov. Peter Shumlin on how to finance Act 48, Vermont’s single-payer health care law. His recommendations will be presented to the Vermont Legislature in January.