More than two years after the Benghazi terrorist attacks and the presidential elections, it’s now coming out that CBS intentionally hid a clip from an Obama interview with 60 minutes refusing to call the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism. It’s not hard to understand why. The Obama regime is well connected with CBS. One of Obama’s main advisers is Ben Rhodes, who just so happens to be the brother of David Rhodes. He is the president of CBS News. Nice connections there Barry. Just another fine example about how corrupt the media in the country really is.
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CBS intentionally hid 60 minutes clip of Obama refusing to admit Benghazi was a terrorist attack |
Attkisson said, “Let me say that that exchange should have been pulled out immediately after the debate, which would have been very newsy at the time. It was exclusive to CBS. It would have to me proven Romney’s point against Obama. But that clip was kept secret.”
“I was covering Benghazi, nobody told me we had it and directed me from the ‘Evening News’ to a different clip of the same interview to give the impression that the president had done the opposite. And it was only right before the election that somebody kind of leaked out the transcript to others of us as CBS and we were really shocked. We saw that was something very unethical done to have kept that up.”
She added, “The ‘Evening News’ people who had access to that transcript, according to the emails that I saw when it was sent from ’60 Minutes’ to ‘Evening News’ the very day it was taken, they, in my view, skipped over it, passed it up, kept it secret. And I think that was because they were trying to defend the president and they thought that would be harmful to him.”