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Ron Klain Ebola czar nasty tweets

So Obama named an Ebola Czar, who is a Democrat hack named ROn Klain. He has absolutely no medical experience whatsoever, and is basically just another Democrat hack. Also, according to Twitchy, Ron Klain the new Ebola Czar has a history of some rather nasty tweets too. Apparently, Klain is also a big fan of letist Ezra Klein and something called Vox (whatever that is).

So Klain admits Obama’s election wins were rigged?

Ron Klain Ebola czar nasty tweets
Ron Klain Ebola czar nasty tweets

Comparing Tea Partiers to rioters? Sorry clown, that would be your Occupy idiots

He’s also a big fan of Abortion Barbie Wendy Davis

Before becoming Obama’s Ebola Czar, Ron Klain spent most of his time decimating conservative critics, in 140 chars or less on Twitter.


I don’t know who Nathan D is, but ‘crap game’ is more lively than the GOP? This is who is handling Ebola for Obama now?

There are even more tweets from this clown you can read from Twitchy (linked above). Does this moron sound like someone who is going to be able to handle and manage Ebola in this country?

And BTW, FU John McCain for even suggesting Obama get an Ebola Czar. Another, unelected bureaucrat to get paid with our tax dollars while bumbling and stumbling around. Wonderful.