As you probably expected, tampon wearing nut job Melissa Harris-Perry and her collection of left wing nut jobs tried to spin the Oklahoma this past week as ‘workplace violence’. They tried to downplay the Muslim angle, claiming that associated Muslims with beheading is like associated all white males with school shootings. Then, towards the end of the following video, they came up with a new description for Muslims. They are hilarious according to these left wing nut jobs. Yes, this is NBC’s paid ‘talent’.
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MSNBC on Oklahoma beheading: Muslims are funny, hilarious! VIDEO – Video credit @SooperMexican
So now according to NBC, MSNBC (what difference does it make), all white males should be associated with school shootings, but all Muslims are funny and the Oklahoma beheading had nothing to do with Islam. It was just workplace violence. *Facepalm*