The crimes of Eric Holder. I don’t have enough server space to type out all of the corrupt resigning Attorney General, the absolute worst, and most partisan in American history. Infowars goes over Eric Holder’s three most Holder’s most egregious cases of lawlessness.
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The crimes of Eric Holder |
Fast and Furious – Duh, the most obvious. Running guns into Mexico, resulting in the deaths of at least three Americans and hundreds of Mexicans.
Between 2006 and 2011, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), under the direct command of the Justice Department, secretly pushed southern gun dealers to sell weapons to suspected drug cartel traffickers in order to allegedly track the weapons into Mexico.
Despite the administration’s attempt to paint the countless deaths associated as unintended consequences after the program went public, documents obtained by CBS News revealed that the ATF had planned to use the deaths to push a gun control agenda.
Eric Holder, who has publicly stated his desire to “brainwash” children to think negatively about gun ownership, has actively worked to keep Fast and Furious documents from becoming public. Unfortunately for Holder, a judge has denied his request to delay the release of a list of Operation Fast and Furious documents currently being protected under the President’s assertion of executive privilege.
Attack on Whistleblowers & the Press (AP, James Rosen of Fox News, etc)
The Obama administration has charged more journalists and legitimate government whistleblowers with espionage than all other presidents combined since the passage of the 1917 Espionage Act.
Whether it be targeting CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou for exposing the agency’s torture program, seizing Associated Press phone records, prosecuting Chelsea Manning or going after journalists James Risen and James Rosen, Holder has undoubtedly overseen the largest attack on the First Amendment in modern history.
“The Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news,” the New York Times noted.
While I’d include ignoring the crimnal enterprise at the IRS as my top three Eric Holder ‘scandals’, Infowars prefers “Too Big to Jail Banks”.