So Michael Brown doubled back towards police before officer Darren Wilson shot him in self defense. That’s what eye witnesses say in the following video right after the shooting took place on August 9th. Of course, the Michael Brown double back at cops will never be mentioned by the race hustling media. Watch the following video:
Video vindicates officer Wilson: Michael Brown doubled back towards officer – Video credit BoogieFinger (via Pat Dollard) |
Initial reports of a gentle giant etc contrasts sharply with the strong arm robbery assault on the merchant and attacking a policeman. The narrative seems to remain that the conduct of the police should only be questioned. The talking points from the Mike Brown supporters seem to fall apart further every day. A simple youtube video provides some great insight into the Mike Brown incident.
The full post below goes into detail, but links, excerpts and an embedded clip of the video in question follow.
Eye Witness Audio of Mike Brown Shooting States: “Brown Doubled Back Toward POlice”…
The video was taken in the aftermath of the shooting, and judging from the comments attributed to the uploader -although he was not a direct witness- he felt the video was affirmational toward Mike Brown and the anti-police narrative.
However, probably unknown -or at least unnoticed- in the background of the video you can hear an audio conversation of a male eye witness to the shooting itself describing what he saw to another curious male spectator. Again, the conversation of importance is in the background.