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Politico leftist Roger Simon: National Guard is going to shoot small children

Roger Simon is Politco’s Chief Political Columnist. He’s also your typical left wing hack, as that’s all that Politico has. On Twitter (caught by Twitchy), Roger Simon said something so stupid that it’s a wonder how he has a job. Well, actually not really. He writes for Politico after all. Simon claimed on Twitter that Rick Perry is sending 1,000 National Guard troops to the Tex/Mex border to ‘shoot small children.’ Yes, he really tweeted that.

Politico leftist Roger Simon: National Guard is going to shoot small children
Politico leftist Roger Simon: National Guard is going to shoot small children

Roger Simon and the leftist filth at Politico don’t seem as concerned that illegals invading the border are actually the ones who shoot, molest, rape and steal from Americans, including children.