113 days and counting for Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. As Obama vacations before his big Martha’s Vineyard vacation, and Lurch Kerry bashes Israel on hot-mics, Andrew Tahmooressi continues to be beaten, starved, chained to his bed and abused in a filthy Mexican prison. Outside of Fox News, the media still doesn’t seem to care about the Mexicans finally being able to keep someone within their borders (against his will.) Obama hasn’t even taken a couple seconds out of his golfing and fundraising ti to call Andrew Tahmooressi, or his mother.
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Andrew Tahmooressi 113 days in Mexican prison |
Not only are the filthy, corrupt Mexicans abusing Tahmooressi, but this ordeal is now draining is life savings. The $65,000 he saved in the service of his nation is gone, according to his mother.
“He has already lost all of his life savings,” his mother, Jill Tahmooressi, said. “When this is all over he will have nothing and will be facing an enormous debt.”
Tahmooressi has been held since March 31, when he accidentally drove into Mexico at the San Ysidro, Calif., Port of Entry late March 31, after becoming disoriented from poorly lit street signs and being in a position on the road unable to make a last ditch U-turn. He was carrying all of his possessions, including three registered guns – legal in the U.S., but not in Mexico.
If convicted, he faces up to 21 years in prison. But even if he is set free, he will have nothing, his mother fears.
“He’s been in jail for three months just for making a wrong turn and now he is broke,” Jill Tahmooressi said. “He will walk out of jail a broke man.”