Eric Holder, who has already been held in contempt of Congress is the most corrupt Attorney General in American history. Remember Richard Nixon’s AG John Mitchell and how he tried to cover up Nixon’s scandals? Eric Holder makes John Mitchell look like a saint. Ted Cruz is calling the corrupt Eric Holder to either call a special, independent prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal, or be impeached. I can already hear the howls of racism from Eric Holder and the leftist media industrial complex now. Of course, this will never happen as long as the equally dirty and corrupt Harry Reid is Majority Leader.

If Attorney General Eric Holder refuses to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal, he should be impeached, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said for the first time today.
“If this resolution is not passed and Democrats in the Senate choose not to put this necessary pressure on the Department of Justice, I have one very clear request,” Cruz said. “If Attorney General Eric Holder continues to refuse to appoint a special prosecutor, he should be impeached.”
Cruz asked for unanimous consent to call up and adopt a resolution “expressing the opinion of the Senate that the Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, and prosecute, if the facts support, the IRS targeting of Americans and its potential cover up of those actions.”