Just how batshit crazy is Obama, Al Gore and the global warming nut jobs? Apparently, Climate Change (renamed global warming) is disturbing the Japanese War dead people or something. I thought dead people just voted Democrat. I didn’t realize that they were getting screwed by climate change too. Oy vey. A report in British BBC online (via Pirate’s Cove) actually is making the claim that the dead are getting screwed by global warming.
Leftists: Climate Change disturbing Japanese War dead |
Climate change helps seas disturb Japanese war dead
Rising sea levels have disturbed the skeletons of soldiers killed on the Marshall Islands during World War Two.
Speaking at UN climate talks in Bonn, the Island’s foreign minister said that high tides had exposed one grave with 26 dead.
The minister said the bones were most likely those of Japanese troops.
Driven by global warming, waters in this part of the Pacific have risen faster than the global average. (snip)
According to a recent report from the UN Environment Programme, sea level is rising in the Pacific around the Marshall’s at a much higher rate than elsewhere in the world. The rate of rise between 1993 and 2009 was 12mm per year, compared with the global average of 3.2mm.