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Botox Pelosi’s daughter calls Bergdahl’s platoon ‘dysfunctional’

It’s not only Obama regime hacks ragging on Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon. Botox Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Christine is now calling them dysfunctional. As if that trust fund hag would know anything about serving in the military.

Botox Pelosi's daughter calls Bergdahl's platoon 'dysfunctional'
Botox Pelosi’s daughter calls Bergdahl’s platoon ‘dysfunctional’

I think it’s painfully obvious that Botox Pelosi Jr. will run for Congress once her dinosaur mother finally is dragged off Capitol Hill. The only thing ‘dysfunctional’ is the Pelosi family who has gotten rich off living it up on the tax payer’s time since the old bag joined Congress in the 1980’s.