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5 years of Obama – oh those pesky facts!

Obama, his corrupt lapdogs in the media, and the rest of the progressive liberal mouth breathers like to claim that Obama has ‘turned around the economy’ and that 9 million more people are working today than before he took office. Of course, that is complete and utter BS. There are actually a million fewer people working today than when Obama began his reign of terror. The workforce participation rate is at it lowest levels since the Jimmy Carter era, and median income in this country is down about $2,500 since the Obama reign of terror began. But Obama has been quite successful in one area. He has put nearly 20 million more Americans on food stamps. Below are a few of those pesky facts that Obama, his corrupt lapdog media, and progressive mouth breathers just hate to see.

5 years of Obama - oh those pesky facts!
5 years of Obama – oh those pesky facts!

Those pesky facts hurt sometimes.