The Obama has invented a new phrase for the Russian invasion of Ukraine (Crimea.) According to the Obama regime, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine isn’t really an invasion. Instead, Obama is calling it an ‘uncontested arrival.’ It’s kind of like how the Fort Hood terrorist attack wasn’t really a terrorist attack, instead it was just workplace violence.
Admin officials tell CNN's Barbara Starr this is an "uncontested arrival" not necessarily "an invasion" and that this distinction is "key."
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) February 28, 2014
US calls Crimea "uncontested arrival", not invasion. Obama will win semantic fights in the air while Putin wins with troops on the ground.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 28, 2014
"Uncontested arrival." All of a sudden I feel less horrible about being a lawyer.
— Popehat (@Popehat) February 28, 2014
Hey, thanks again low information voters for electing this dope, twice. The smell of choom has gotten beyond bad.