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Orlando Garcia – Activist federal judge kills Texas gay marriage ban

democrat-logoOrlando Garcia, an activist progressive liberal federal judge has struck down Texas’ constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Texas Proposition 2 which was voted on by the people of Texas in 2005 which read ‘Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman’ was knocked out by Orlando Garcia in yet another move by an activist judge, appointed by BJ BIll Clinton. Orlando Luis Garcia is just the latest progressive activist judge to basically decide what the voters vote for doesn’t matter. If it doesn’t please the gaystapo, then Orlando Luis Garcia wouldn’t let it stand. Texas Proposition 2 passed in 2005 with 76% of the vote, not exactly a close vote that could have been influenced by fraud.

Garcia left the law in place until an appeals court can rule on the case of Texas Proposition 2.

What you are seeing in America right now is that laws and votes don’t matter to progressives. They will do whatever they choose, regardless of what the law or voters say.