The media had a meltdown after Ted Nugent called Obama a “sub-human mongrel” was sincere. I don’t know why he even bothered to apologize. Considering what the left calls conservatives (white, black, females, males). Obama on The View in 2010 called blacks ‘a mongrel people.’ Yet you didn’t hear any media outrage when Obama made his comments. But because Ted Nugent doesn’t fawn over Dear Leader Obama, the media cried their usual racism bs. So Erin Burnett, the CNBC reject scooped up by CNN who has been yet another ratings failure tried to bash Ted Nugent for using the same term that Obama used ‘mongrel’. Nugent wasn’t taking her crap and crushed her, and bragged about Piers Morgan being fired.
Ted Nugent destroys CNN hack Erin Burnett, Piers Morgan (Video) |
Erin Burnett became offended when Nugent owned limey Morgan.
You’ll also notice Burnett tries to claim Nugent called Obama a chimpanzee after Nugent cited the person who said ‘what difference does it make’ about four Americans dying in Benghazi. Last time I check, it wasn’t Obama had made that crack. It was the lily white piece of trash Hillary Clinton. But we don’t want to confuse CNN with any facts. They weren’t known as the Clinton News Network in the ’90s for nothing.