Tonight’s French State Dinner for François Hollande is expected to cost you the tax payer about half a million dollars (and that’s a low estimate). Some of the guests invited to this State Dinner for France’s Socialist President François Hollande include Comedy Central assclown Stephen Colbert, amnesty RINOs Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor, CNN President Jeff Zucker, NAACP President Ben Jealous and gay NBA scrub Jason Collins. Even AL Sharpton is there, but without Tawana Brawley. Quite a list isn’t it? Obama really seems to get along with Hollande. I actually haven’t seen Obama get along better with any world ‘leader’ than with Raul Castro at Mandela’s funeral and François Hollande.
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Stephen Colbert, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor on the guest list for Obama’s $500,000 tax payet funded French State Dinner |
Mr. J.J. Abrams, Pacific Palisades, CA
Ms. Katie McGrathThe Honorable Stacey Abrams, United States Representative (Georgia)
Mr. Ben JealousMs. Jill Abramson, The New York Times, New York, NY
Mr. William WoodsonMr. Charles Adams, Jr., Washington, DC
General Keith Alexander, Director of NSA and Cybercom
Mrs. Debbie AlexanderMr. Peter G. Angelos, Baltimore, MD
Mrs. Georgia AngelosMr. Kader Arif, Minister Delegate for Veterans Affairs, French Republic
The Honorable Caroline Atkinson, Deputy Assistant to the President & Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics
Mr. Geoffrey Boyd LambMs. Jennifer Bado-Aleman, Gaithersburg, MD
Mr. Frank SkinnerMr. Caleb Ballew, Huntsville, AL
Mrs. Kourtney Ballew, Huntsville, ALMr. Dan Barber, New York, NY
Mr. David BarberThe Honorable Karen Bass, United States Representative (California)
Ms. Barbara JordanMr. Terrence Bean, Portland, OR
Mr. Robert IwasakiMr. Joel Benenson, New York, NY
Mrs. Lisa Benenson, New York, NYThe Honorable Michael Bennet, United States Senator (Colorado)
Ms. Susan DaggettMrs. Andrea Bernstein, New York, NY
Mr. Tom BernsteinMr. Peter Beshar, Rye, NY
Mrs. Sarah BesharThe Honorable Steven Beshear, Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Mrs. Jane BeshearThe Honorable Joseph Biden, Jr., Vice President of the United States
Dr. Jill BidenMr. Robert Hunter Biden, Washington, DC
Mrs. Kathleen BidenMs. Mary J Blige, Saddle River, NJ
Mr. Kendu IsaacsThe Honorable Tony Blinken, Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor
The Honorable Evan Ryan, Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of StateMr. Joseph Blount, Miami Beach, FL
Ms. Katherine BlountMrs. Nicole Bricq, Minister for Foreign Trade, French Republic
The Honorable William Burns, Deputy Secretary of State
Ms. Lisa Ann CartyThe Honorable Sylvia Burwell, Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Mr. Steve BurwellThe Honorable Eric Cantor, United States Representative (Virginia)
The Honorable Jay Carney, Assistant to the President and Press Secretary
Ms. Claire ShipmanMr. Jim Chanos, New York, NY
Ms. Crystal A ConnorsMr. Brian Cladoosby, LaConner, WA
Mrs. Nina CladoosbyThe Honorable James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence
Mrs. Susan ClapperThe Honorable Max Cleland, Secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission
Mrs. Linda DeanMr. Steve Clemons, The Atlantic, Washington, DC
Mr. Andrew OrosThe Honorable David L. Cohen, Philadelphia, PA
Mrs. Rhonda CohenThe Honorable David Cohen, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Mrs. Suzy CohenMr. Stephen Colbert, New York, NY
Mrs. Evie ColbertMs. Joanna Coles, Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York, NY
Mr. Peter GodwinMr. Jason Collins, Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Brunson GreenMr. Jean-Marie Colombani, JMC Media, French Republic
Mr. Marcello Conviti, Carmat, French Republic
Mr. Bradley Cooper, New York, NY
Ms. Suki WaterhouseMr. James Crane, Houston, TX
The Honorable Danielle Crutchfield, Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling and Advance
The Honorable Elijah Cummings, United States Representative (Maryland)
Dr. Maya Rockeymoore CummingsMr. Philippe Dauman, New York, NY
Mrs. Deborah DaumanHis Excellency François Delattre, Ambassador of the Republic of France to the U.S.
Mrs. Sophie L’Hélias DelattreGeneral Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Mrs. Diane DempseyMr. Stéphane Distinguin, Cap Digital, French Republic
Dr. Karen Donfried, Special Assistant to the President, Senior Director for European Affairs
Mr. Alan UntereinerThe Honorable Mike Donilon, Alexandria, VA
Mrs. Trish DonilonMr. Roland Du Luart, Senator from Sarthe, President of the Franco-American Friendship Committee, French Republic
Mrs. Shefali Duggal, San Francisco, CA
Mr. Rajat DuggalMr. Ken Ehrlich, Westlake Village, CA
Mrs. Harriet EhrlichHis Excellency Laurent Fabius, Minister for Foreign Affairs, French Republic
Mr. Matthias Fekl, Representative of the National Assembly, French Republic
Mrs. Genevière Fioraso, Minister for Higher Education and Research, French Republic
Mr. Ken Fisher, Rockville, MD
Mrs. Tammy FisherThe Honorable Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Transportation
Mrs. Samara FoxxMr. Ken Frazier, Whitehouse Station, NJ
Mrs. Andrea FrazierThe Honorable Michael Froman, Ambassador and U.S. Trade Representative
Ms. Nancy GoodmanThe Honorable Jason Furman, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
Ms. Eve A. Gerber, Washington, DCMr. Mark Gallogly, New York, NY
Ms. Elizabeth StricklerMr. Pierre Gattaz, President of MEDEF, French Republic
Ms. Thelma Golden, New York, NY
Mr. Duro OlowuMr. John Goldman, Atherton, CA
Mrs. Marcia GoldmanMs. Julianna Goldman, Bloomberg News, New York, NY
The Honorable Mike Gottlieb, Associate Counsel to the PresidentThe Honorable Philip H Gordon, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Mrs. Rachel GordonThe Honorable Danielle Gray, Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary
Ms. Jaunique SealeyThe Honorable Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense
Ms. Allyn HagelMs. Laura G Haim, Canal Plus and I-Tele French TV, Washington, DC
Mr. Ara AprikianThe Honorable William Haslam, Governor of the State of Tennessee
Mrs. Crissy HaslamMr. Samuel Heins, Wayzata, MN
Ms. Stacey MillsMr. Jean-Paul Herteman, Safran, French Republic
The Honorable Heather Higginbottom, Deputy Secretary of State
Ambassador Daniel Sepulveda, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information PolicyThe Honorable Eric Holder, Jr., United States Attorney General
Dr. Sharon MaloneThe Honorable John P. Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology
Dr. Patricia Falcone, Associate Director for National Security and International AffairsMrs. Laura Holgate, Senior Director for WMD Terrorism and Threat Reduction
Dr. Rick HolgateMr. Steve Holland, Reuters, Alexandria, VA
Mrs. Lucie HollandMr. Jean-Paul Huchon, Paris Region President, French Republic
Mr. Irwin Jacobs, La Jolla, CA
Mrs. Joan JacobsMr. Jean-Marc Janaillac, Transdev, French Republic
The Honorable Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement
Mr. Paul Jean-Ortiz, Diplomatic Advisor to the President, French Republic
The Honorable Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Interior
The Honorable Mike Connor, Bureau of Reclamation CommissionerThe Honorable Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security
Dr. Susan DiMarcoThe Honorable Kevin Johnson, Mayor of the City of Sacramento
Ms. Michelle RheeMr. Hubert Joly, Richfield, MN
Ms. Natalie Jones, Acting Chief of Protocol, U.S. Department of State
Justice Elena Kagan, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Ms. Mindy Kaling, Universal City, CA
Ms. Jocelyn LeavittMs. Roberta Kaplan, New York, NY
Ms. Rachel LavineThe Honorable Cody Keenan, Assistant to the President and Director of Speechwriting
Ms. Kristen BartoloniThe Honorable Patrick F. Kennedy, Under Secretary for Management, U.S. Department of State
Ms. M. Elizabeth SwopeThe Honorable John Kerry, Secretary of State
The Honorable Leslie Kiernan, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Counsel to the President
Mr. Paul KiernanThe Honorable Ronald Klain, Chevy Chase, MD
Ms. Monica MedinaMs. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
Mrs. Anne Lauvergeon, Chairwoman of “Innovation 2030” Committee, French Republic
Mr. Jonathan Lavine, Weston, MA
Ms. Emily LavineMr. Jean-Yves Le Gall, CNES, French Republic
The Honorable Patrick Leahy, United States Senator (Vermont)
Mrs. Marcelle LeahyMr. Frédéric Lefebvre, Representative of the National Assembly, French Republic
Ms. Corine Lesnes, Le Monde. Paris, France
Mr. John RuddyThe Honorable Jack Lew, Secretary of the Treasury
Dr. Ruth SchwartzDr. Tara Leweling, Director for NATO & European Affairs
Mr. Harun DogoMs. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mt. Kisco, NY
Mr. William Louis-DreyfusMr. Emmanuel Macron, Deputy Chief of Staff to the President, French Republic
Ms. Kathy Manning, Greensboro, NC
Mr. Randall KaplanThe Honorable Alyssa Mastromonaco, Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
The Honorable Denis McDonough, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
Mrs. Kari McDonoughMr. Cappy McGarr, Dallas, TX
Mrs. Janie McGarrMr. Raymond McGuire, New York, NY
Ms. Crystal McCraryThe Honorable Brian McKeon, Deputy Assistant to the President, Executive Secretary and Chief of Staff
Ms. Lizabeth TankersleyMr. Eliseo Medina, La Canada-Flintridge, CA
Ms. Arcelia Rocio SaenzMs. Constance Milstein, Washington, DC
Mr. Jehan Christophe de la Haye St. HilaireMs. Nicola Miner, San Francisco, CA
Mr. Robert Mailer AndersonThe Honorable Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and Deputy National Security Advisor
Mr. Mark MonacoThe Honorable Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy
Mrs. Naomi MonizMr. Bobby Monks, Portland, ME
Mr. Arnaud Montebourg, Minister for Industrial Renewal, French Republic
Mr. Aquilino Morelle, Political Advisor to the President, French Republic
Mr. Pierre Moscovici, Minister for Economy and Finance, French Republic
Mr. Bruce Mosler, New York, NY
Mr. Willard FreemanThe Honorable Cecilia Muñoz, Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council
Mr. Amit A. PandyaMr. Elon Musk, Los Angeles, CA
Mrs. Talulah MuskMr. Pierre Nanterme, Accenture, French Republic
Ms. Karen Narasaki, Washington, DC
Mr. Vivek MalhotraThe Honorable Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Mr. Robert KaganThe Honorable Michael Nutter, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia
Mrs. Lisa NutterMr. Kevin F. O’Malley, St. Louis, MO
Mrs. Dena O’MalleyMs. Julie Pace, Associated Press, Washington, DC
Mr. Michael FerenczyThe Honorable Jennifer Palmieri, Assistant to the President and Communications Director
Mr. James LyonsMrs. Fleur Pellerin, Minister Delegate for SMEs, Innovation and the Digital Economy, French Republic
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, United States Representative (California)
Mrs. Jacqueline KenneallyMr. Fabien Penone, Deputy Diplomatic Advisor to the President, French Republic
Mr. Guillaume Pepy, SNCF, French Republic
The Honorable Tom Perez, Secretary of Labor
Ms. Ann Marie StaudenmaierThe Honorable Dan Pfeiffer, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor
Mr. Richard Plepler, New York, NY
Mrs. Lisa PleplerThe Honorable John Podesta, Counselor to the President
Mrs. Mary PodestaThe Honorable Samantha Power, Permanent Representative of the U.S. to the United Nations
Mr. Cass SunsteinThe Honorable Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce
Mr. Nicholas PritzkerGeneral Benoît Puga, Military Advisor to the President, French Republic
Mr. Tangi Quéméner, Agence France-Presse, Bethesda, MD
Ms. Anne PorquetMs. Azita Raji, Tiburon, CA
Mr. Gary SymanThe Honorable Stephanie C Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of the City of Baltimore
Mr. Kent BlakeThe Honorable Ben Rhodes, Assistant to the President, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications & Speechwriting
Ms. Ann NorrisThe Honorable Steven Ricchetti, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Mrs. Amy RicchettiThe Honorable Susan Rice, Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor
Mr. Ian CameronMrs. Claudine Ripert-Landler, Press Advisor, French Republic
Mr. Charles H Rivkin, Washington, DC
Ms. Susan TolsonMrs. Rachel Robinson, New York, NY
Mr. Norman SiegelThe Honorable Harold Rogers, United States Representative (Kentucky)
Mrs. Cynthia RogersMr. James Roosevelt, Jr., Cambridge, MA
Mrs. Ann RoosevelMrs. Laura Ross, New York, NY
Mr. James RossMr. Alain Rousset, Aquitaine Region President, French Republic
The Honorable Edward Randall Royce, United States Representative (California)
Mrs. Marie Royce, Washington, DCThe Honorable Kathy Ruemmler, Assistant to the President and Counsel to the President, Washington, DC
Ms. Margaret-Angèle Russell, New York, NY
Mr. Robert KaplanThe Honorable Paul Ryan, United States Representative (Wisconsin)
Mrs. Janna RyanMr. Lee Saunders, Washington, DC
Mrs. Lynne SaundersMrs. Barbara Schmidt, Boca Raton, FL
Mr. Richard SchmidtThe Honorable Charles Schumer, United States Senator (New York)
Ms. Iris WeinshallMr. Pete Selleck, Greenville, SC
Mrs. Nancy SelleckThe Honorable Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., Counselor to the Secretary of State
Mrs. Maria ShannonReverend Alfred Sharpton, New York, NY
Ms. Aisha I. McShawMrs. Beth Shaw, New York, NY
Ms. Rebecca ShawThe Honorable Wendy Sherman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Mr. Bruce StokesThe Honorable Liz Sherwood-Randall, White House Coordinator for Defense Policy
Dr. Jeffrey RandallThe Honorable Peter Shumlin, Governor of the State of Vermont
Ms. Sarah SchmidtThe Honorable David Simas, Assistant to the President and Deputy Senior Advisor for Communications and Strategy
Ms. Shauna McCartyMs. Liz Simons, Atherton, CA
Mr. Mark HeisingMrs. Sarah Smiley, Bangor, ME
Commander Dustin SmileyMr. Chuck Smith, Jr., Winnetka, IL
Mrs. Melissa SmithMr. Keith Smith, Ashland, VA
Mr. Burton SmithMr. Michael Smith, Los Angeles, CA
Ms. Natalie MassenetMs. Kim Snow, Thorton, PA
Mr. James SnowMr. Kenneth Solomon, Pacific Palisades, CA
Mrs. Melissa SolomonMr. Arne Sorenson, Bethesda, MD
Mrs. Ruth SorensonThe Honorable Gene Sperling, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council
Mr. Rick SperlingMs. Alexandra Stanton, New York, NY
Ms. Domna StantonMr. Laurent Stefanini, Chief of Protocol, French Republic
Mr. Randall Stephenson, Dallas, TX
Mrs. Lenise StephensonMr. David Stern, New York, NY
Mrs. Dianne SternThe Honorable Todd Stern, United States Special Envoy for Climate Change
Ms. Jennifer KleinMrs. Jane Stetson, Norwich, VT
Mr. Bill Stetson IIIMr. Mark Taplin, Charge d’Affaires, U.S. Department of State
Ms. Kathy KavalecThe Honorable Tina Tchen, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Mr. Benoit Thieulin, Digital National Committee President, French Republic
Mr. Andrew Tobias, New York, NY
Ms. Marie BrennerMs. Cicely Tyson, New York, NY
Mr. Reginald Austin HenryThe Honorable David Wade, Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State
Ms. Elizabeth AlexanderThe Honorable Debbie Wasserman Schultz, United States Representative (Florida)
Mr. Steven SchultzMr. Frank White, Jr., Washington, DC
Mr. William KirkMs. Edith Windsor, New York, NY
Ms. Julie MilliganMr. Richard Winter, Auriga USA
Mrs. Alexandra WinterMr. Jeff Zucker, CNN, New York, NY
Mrs. Caryn Zucker