Have you heard about Eric Holder and Operation Choke Point? It’s the latest Eric Holder/DOJ scandal in which Holder abuses his power by intimidating banks. Don’t expect to hear about Operation Choke Point from the media, as they are far too busy digging up stuff on tubby Chris Christie. Darrell Issa did what he does best. Talk a big game in a letter to Holder, but continues to otherwise ignores Holder’s and Obama’s abuse of power.
Breitbart News broke the story Wednesday morning that the Obama administration launched ‘Operation Choke Point’ out of the Department of Justice in 2013 for the express purpose of destroying three key sectors of the private lending industry: third party payment processors (“TPPPs”), online lenders, and payday lenders.
Issa and Jordan requested that the Department of Justice turn over to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee “[a]ll documents and communications since January 1, 2011 referring or relating to ‘Operation Choke Point'” by January 22, 2014.
“There is evidence,” they wrote, “that the true goal of Operation Choke Point is to target online lenders and the payment processors who serve them.” They stated further, “[t]he extraordinary breadth of the Department’s dragnet prompts concern that the true goal of Operation Choke Point is not to cut off actual fraudsters’ access to the financial system, but rather to eliminate legal financial services to which the Department objects.”