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Megyn Kelly destroys race hustlers whining about her calling Santa white

Megyn Kelly returned to the Kelly File tonight and didn’t apologize for saying Santa is ‘white.’ Even after being subject to smears by left wing race hustlers whining she still took it and gave it back to them. It’s amazing to me that the racist black Aisha Harris who wrote the Slate article about Santa being a ‘fat old white man’ and Melanin-deficient gets away with her racism. Aisha Harris called Santa white (with slurs), and doesn’t get any grief from the leftist media establishment. Megyn Kelly quotes here article calling Santa white, and is the target of a smear campaign. Tonight, Megyn Kelly fired about at all the race hustlers whining about what she said about Santa being ‘white’ and didn’t apologize. I was expecting the typical stupid apology from Kelly because ‘it might have offended somebody.’ But she didn’t. She gave it back to the filthy race hustlers and gave them a taste of their own medicine. Watch the following video where Megyn Kelly bitchslaps the race hustlers like Don Lemon.

Megyn Kelly destroy race hustlers whining about her calling Santa white

I’m glad somebody at Fox News can still stand on their principals. It’s very rare for Fox News these days with the likes of gasbag Bill O’Reilly, or Sean ‘Brother Rove’ Hannity.

I personally don’t give a shit how Santa is portaryed. He can be white, black, brown, Asian or whatever. Who cares! The black racist Aisha Harris who wrote the article calling Santa a ‘fat old white man’ seems to care though.