The leftist Fox News witch Leslie Marshall is at it again. She wrote an op-ed for US News and World report whining about how ‘mean’ Rush Limbaugh is and what ‘victims’ women are in the 21st century in the ‘evil’ male dominated world. This is typical leftist war and women narrative that seem to never die. She whines about how Rush Limbaugh insulted Sandra Fluke by calling her a slut, but didn’t have much to say about Palin/Bashir. All she had to say is that she was disappointed that the left defended Bashir and that the right demanded Bashir be fired. You can’t have it both ways Leslie. Either he gets fired and pays the price for his disgusting talk, or you condone what he said. Of course most of the article was a whinefest about Miley Cyrus. Marshall doesns’t have the guts to mention how conservative woman (other than Palin) are treated by her leftist ilk. Just ask Laura Ingraham, Michele Bachman, Sharron Angle or Ann Coulter just how nice the progressive liberal left (male or female) is to them.
In another twist of irony, US News and World Report links to some nasty Sarah Palin cartoons in the same article by Marshall whining about how women are treated in this country. Marshall didn’t put those links in her op-ed, that was done by the publication she wrote it for. They also link to some obnoxious cartoons mocking women in combat. But Leslie Marshall remains silent on that.
Leftists like Marshall wouldn’t be anything if they weren’t hypocrites.