Update: 12/13/13 – Watch live (and like us on Facebook!):
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We the Truckers live feed 12/13/13 |
We the Truckers are planning a rally on December 13th. They will ride from Independence Hall in Philadelphia to Washington DC. Those participating in the We the Truckers rally will deliver a huge 9X5 Constitution to the White House fence and Obama.
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We the Truckers rally December 13 from Independence Hall Philadelphia to Washington DC |
The corrupt media of course will ignore this rally, and the far left progressive liberal Democrats will mock them. The them mock, the truckers have a message for Obama and the rest of you leftists. More information about the We the Truckers rally from Independence Hall Philadelphia to Washington DC is available at their Facebook page. There is also information from 2 million bikers to DC Facebook as well:
We The Truckers are the original drivers from October strike and are true hero’s that put it All on the line and deserve recognition. This will be the biggest Convoy yet and they are funding it themselves. Let us all support them in their efforts to make a change. Zeeda. Their mission is:
On Friday December 13th 2013 at 9:00 AM, we will begin a rally at Independence Hall in Philadelphia PA, you all know, where the Declaration of Independence was signed and our Country was born. We The Truckers are calling for EVERYONE who can, to take this Rally Run with us. Truckers, pickups, cars, bikers whomever has the ability to join us. We will be making a HUGE banner (about 9’ tall by 5’ wide) of the Constitution of The United States and another of The Declaration of Independence and on one trailer, deliver these HUGE documents to the front fence line of the Whitehouse in DC. We are looking for a CONVOY of Truckers and Non Truckers alike to take this ride with us. We are not asking for ANY Donations. We The Truckers have agreed to do this from our own pockets. And anyone who joins us, this will be your form of financial support. Fill your tanks, pack your lunch and simply join us. Get out your flags, mount them to your vehicle, paint up the windows, whatever you want.
But we are making this run and there will NOT be under any circumstances be a cancellation of this event. No matter what ANYONE from ANYWHERE says, this event will happen. If you hear something about it being cancelled, DO NOT BELIEVE IT. Even if it comes from any news media. We The Truckers will be there and we are counting on you to be there with us.
We have decided that maybe Mr. Obama has either a reading issue or bad eye sight. So we will have a very LARGE image of our Constitution for him to read as a reminder of what exactly he took an oath to protect. If we are unable to get our trucks directly to the Whitehouse, then we will park and carry the banners from that point to the fence line.
Would you like to make history with us? Dress warm as it may be a cold day. Pack a lunch as the ride (CONVOY) may be a longer than normal ride. And fill your tank.
SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE this message with everyone.
There will be a rally point, in the Philadelphia area, for everyone to meet up with who is coming from out of town on Thursday Dec. 12th. That location has yet to be determined but we should have that available to everyone by this coming week. That location will also be large enough for all of your trucks and trailers if you must bring your trailer with you. So if you are tired of just posting on Facebook, tired of just reading other posts on Facebook/Twitter, TIRED of how things are going……then stop complaining and do something about it with US. We The Truckers “WILL” complete the intended mission. We hope that you ALL will join us. We can and will show our strength and our VOICES will be heard!
This will be from “WE THE PEOPLE. Merry Christmas Mr. Obama. Here is your own personal copy of the Constitution for your review. Consider it a Christmas present from We The People. You sir will be tested on your actual knowledge of this document soon, so please be prepared.
Please let us know IMMEDIATELY if you will be joining us on the ride. Post your status if you will be joining us. Please pass this along to EVERYONE you know and ask them to join us as well. All truckers will be asked to “bobtail” during the event. Only ONE trailer will be carrying the banners.
WE THE TRUCKERS will NOT be intimidated. We The People, will NOT Stand Down!
We The Truckers Constitution Convoy is real and is happening.God Bless America, God Bless Each Of You & God Bless We The Truckers!
PS: We may just fabricate 2 teleprompters as well to help him read it easier…