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Marco Rubio and Harry Reid share tender moment, hug after amnesty passes

marco-rubio-amnesty-rinoMarco Rubio and Harry Reid are new BFFs. They shared a tender moment together after the Senate passed the amnesty with a nice little hug. If Rubio’s shenanigans during this whole amnesty debacle didn’t kill his political career as a conservatve, the following VINE file will:

Doesn’t it just bring a tear to your eye? Such love between Harry Reid and Marco Rubio. Time for those two losers to get a room and spent the night together. Now that DOMA was struck down, maybe they can marry each other?

Later, Harry Reid praised Marco Rubio and his older clone John McCain. This just proves that this country has a one party system and that they don’t give a sh*t about the people they are supposed to be servants of.