Seems there is no video to confirm Wolf Blitzer blamed an anti-tax group or the tea party for the Boston Marathon bombings. Instead, there’s a video of Blitzer the hack speculating it happened because it was Patriot’s Day in Massachusetts or something.
CNN security adviser Peter Bergen did speculate the attack could be from ‘right-wing extremists‘ later in the day.
Come on. Can’t even the media hacks stop the political BS for just a few hours while we pray for the people and victims of the bombings in Boston at the Marathon? Already, CNN leftist hack Wolf Blitzer is blaming ‘anti-tax’ groups or in other words the Tea Party for the explosions at the Boston Marathon. I’ll post video as soon as it comes out. Go F*ck Yourself Wolf Blitzer and CNN. Seriously!
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer just speculated if anti-tax groups were behind the bombing WITH ZERO EVIDENCE
— Joe Brooks (@joebrooks) April 15, 2013
RT @lachlan: Holy shit. RT @aceofspadeshq: Did @wolfblitzer really just speculate that “anti-tax groups” set off the bombs?
— Tabitha Hale (@TabithaHale) April 15, 2013
Wolf Blitzer is speculating that it was anti-tax groups with no evidence? Fuck you, man.
— Landon (@OrwellForce) April 15, 2013
@wolfblitzer Did u really just speculate anti-tax group 2blame 4 the explosions NBoston?Where is there any evidence?U call yourself reporter
— Lezlie (@PeabodyLC) April 15, 2013
Blizter blaming the Tea Party for the Boston Marathon bombings? Seriously? Kind of like Brian Ross blaming the Tea Party for the James Holmes killings. Same sh*t, new day.