Yea, it really seems like some random Muslims were just pissed off about some obscure ‘anti-Muslim’ found on the Internet that no one heard about before Obama and his lapdog media began making excuses for the vicious attacks. These terrorist attacks were planned for 9/11/2012 and anyone who isn’t some pea-brain Democrat knows this. No matter what the media, Jay Carney, Susan Rice, Obama, Hillary Clinton or the rest of these corrupt people tell you, this was an attack on America. In fact, it was an act of war by radical Muslims in my book. And despite lies by Democrats such as Rep. ‘Dutch’ Ruppersberger, Chris Stevens did NOT die of ‘smoke inhalation.’ If you have the stomach, check out the following video from Breitbart. Warning: The video is very graphic.
The translation of the text below the video reads: “Moment directed the U.S. ambassador before his death” and the headline translates to: “U.S. Ambassador and the people of Benghazi rescue attempt before his death.”
Does this look like a ‘rescue attempt’ to you?
The victim in the video appears to be wearing the same pants, belt and t-shirt seen in this photo of Amb. Stevens.