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Obama’s legacy surpasses Jimmy Carter – Americans at embassy in 1979 taken hostage / 2012 four Americans assassinated

obama-carterAs of 9/11/2012 Obama has officially surpassed Jimmy Carter’s legacy of epic foreign policy failure. In 1979 when Jimmy Carter was president, thinks were very similar to what they are today. A miserable economy, malaise amongst Americans about the future, and weak to non-existent leadership. Yes, within 30 years from now when history books are written, they will write about how similar the late 1970’s were to the late 2000’s and early 2010’s. Carter was elected after Americans were fed up with Richard Nixon and Watergate, and didn’t feel Gerald Ford could lead them into the 1980’s after 2 years of a mediocre presidency once Nixon resigned. In 2008, people were fed up with George Bush, the war in Iraq, the financial meltdown and the Republicans. Like 1976 Americans (stupidly) voted for an unknown who was anointed the next greatest president by the corrupt media. Since taking office Obama has been a complete and utter failure both domestically and foreign. The only claim to fame Obama has is the Navy Seals taking out Osama Bin Laden. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Obama himself strangled bin Laden with his own bare hands. But lets also compare the similarity between Carter and Obama with regime change in Muslim countries. In the 70’s, Carter threw the Shah under the bus and bragged about how great the Ayatollah would be. The media championed Carter’s claims, just like they have the whole ‘Arab Spring’ in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere. The Iranian Hostage Crisis is now history. 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days after radical Muslims in Iran stormed the US Embassy. Fast forward to 9/11/2012. Our embassy in Egypt is overrun with radical Muslims ripping and burning the American flag. In Libya, it was worse. At the consulate building, four Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya were killed by radical Muslims as Obama failed to have Marines protecting the consulate building on 9/11.

Carter’s legacy: The Iranian hostage crisis which lasted 444 days (and ended the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated.) Resulting in NO American deaths
Obama’s legacy: The embassy in Egypt ransacked and four American diplomats killed in Libya, all on 9/11.