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Obama’s crass joke at the nerdprom: What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Pitbulls are delicious!

obama-eating-chicken-wingWhat a disgusting pile of dung Obama is. Not only did he flame out with his “jokes” at the White House Correspondents Dinner aka the Nerdprom, but he even made a joke about his dog eating. I’m a dog lover, and jokes like this offend me. After hearing how Obama ate dog as a kid, I found it very hypocritical how he or Axelrod or any other scrub in his regime could talk about Romney’s dog on the car roof. Obama trying to rag on Sarah Palin, and made this disgusting statement:


What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Pitbulls are delicious!

Even the propagandists in the media at the dinner, and Michelle Obama gave Hussein Obama an odd look after that disgusting joke! I never hated Obama as a person, just his policies. But I think i’m finally realizing what a disgusting human being he is too.