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Harris-Biden spox John Kirby finally admits they don’t care about Afghanistan gold star families

Yea, we already knew the Harris/Biden reign of terror didn’t give a damn about gold star families who lost loved ones in Afghanistan because of Kamala and Biden’s total and inexcusably failure. But now, it’s in writing that they just don’t give a shit… Slimy scumbag John Kirby, accidentally replied to an e-mail chain, admitting that these Democrat clowns don’t give a damn about these gold star families, that Kirby calls “all of one stripe”.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby accidentally told the truth about the Biden-Harris view of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal: When members of the arms forces criticize you, arrogantly double down.

“Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,” smirked Kirby in a note he accidentally cc’d a reporter on, referring to criticism from four veterans slamming the flack and his bosses.

This is the attitude taken by a White House that utterly botched our withdrawal from a key geostrategic hotspot.

By a cadre of political careerists who let Afghanistan fall to a bloodthirsty terrorist enemy and saw 13 service members killed in a terrorist attack on Kabul airport.