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Bernie Sanders now considered too right-wing for Democrats

Just how crazy are the Democrats these days? Aside from the rhetoric and violence, Bernie Sanders is now considered “too right-wing” for them. Yes, the old communist from Vermont is now too conservative for communist Democrats. The leftist trash magazine called New Republican is claiming Bernie Sanders is too right wing for their liberal tastes because of his stance on ICE. He’s not left wing enough for Democrats they write. In fact, he’s Bernie Sanders is to the right of Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the U.K.’s Labour Party. This is hilarious!

Bernie Sanders now considered too right-wing for Democrats
Bernie Sanders now considered too right-wing for Democrats

Sanders isn’t just to the right of the average American socialist; he’s to the right of Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the U.K.’s Labour Party. While nationalization is a key pillar of the party’s platform, it is ground politicians in the United States still fear to tread. In similar fashion, Sanders has yet to put forward a coherent leftist vision for foreign policy, a needless failure considering socialism’s historical commitment to the prosperity of working people around the world.

Sanders is mostly an accurate diagnostician of American problems, and his prescriptions are simple ones: Tax the rich, expand health care, and pay people enough to feed their families. But these are radical positions only because the right wing has so successfully embedded hostility to welfare and government services in American political life. In previous eras, Sanders would have been a relatively mainstream politician.

The leftist magazines goes on to compare communist Bernie Sanders to Eisenhower. Here’s hope the New Republic’s advice continues to overtake the “mainstream” Democrat party. Let them all come out as open borders, communist authoritarians. They aren’t good at hiding it anymore