Even on a day as solemn a today with Holocaust Memorial Day, the Democrats can’t go without using the day as a prop for them to push amnesty for millions of illegal alien Muslim “refugees.” This is what Harris tweeted earlier today that got my blood boiling:
On #HolocaustMemorialDay Kamala Harris compares Muslim refugees to Anne Frank |
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On #HolocaustMemorialDay, Trump restricted refugees from Muslim-majority countries. Make no mistake — this is a Muslim ban.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 27, 2017
Harris followed up this ridiculous tweet with another one equally as dumb or worse. She compares Muslim refugees pouring into this country to Anne Frank, an actual victim of the Holocaust and is so frequently mentioned today.
During the Holocaust, we failed to let refugees like Anne Frank into our country. We can't let history repeat itself.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 27, 2017
What the hell kind of idiot compares Muslim refugees to Holocaust victims like Anne Frank? Kamala Harris should be ashamed of herself for making such a ridcioulous comparssion. Problem is, she will likely gain credit in the Marxist, open border Democrat party. Harris will also likely be hailed as some sort of hero by the corrupt media for comparing Muslim refugees to Anne Frank and other Holocaust victims.
When Kamala Harris replaced old hag Barbara Boxer, I thought it might be an improvement over the old witch Boxer. But I can’t imagine even Barbara Boxer making such a ridiculous statement and comparison as this one.