Rene’ Boucher Facebook is loaded with anti-Trump propaganda. This is the piece of crap that “allegedly” assaulted Rand Paul at his home today in Bowling Green. Boucher isn’t from Kentucky either. He’s from San Francisco and went to high school in Massachusetts, which explains a lot. We’ll see how long it takes for AntiFa and the Democrats to disavow this latest left wing terrorist. Don’t hold your breath. Since anytime someone he claims to be a Republican does something bad, like shoot up an abortion clinic or something, they instantly brand all conservatives as being like that person. Therefore, since Rene’ Boucher is a AntiFA Democrat terrorists, all Democrats are AntiFa terrorists like the dude with the French girl’s name. This could have been a lot worse. Like James Hodgkinson, Rene’ Boucher is a Bernie Sanders supporter. We all remeember what happened on that baseball field a few months ago with far left nut job
James Hodgkinson. Thankfully here, no one was shot or will lay in the hospital for months because of a crazed Bernie Sanders supporter. Also thankfully, none of Rand Paul’s family (wife, kids) were hurt by this Democrat AntiFA terrorist.
Rene’ Boucher last public Facebook post is from May 25th and the comments are rolling in.
Rene’ Boucher Facebook loaded with anti-Trump propaganda |
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Rene’ Boucher is also a big Rachel Maddow fan. When will “she” denounce?
He’s also big time into the Trump-Russia conspiracy, which is no surprise.
Judging by Rene’ Boucher Facebook posts he also loves CNN, Fake Jake Tapper, plagiarist Fareed Zakaria, Chris Matthews and of course ass clown Stephen Colbert.