Democrat funded and affiliated AntiFa is now threatening to break people’s bones and invade their homes if they deem the person a right-winger. This includes Tim Kaine’s son who is an AntiFa domestic terrorist. They don’t even have to be “Neo-Nazi” or white supremacists either. If AntiFA thinks you are a conservative, regardless of your views on race, you will be a target.
AntiFa terrorists ready to break bones, invade homes |
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Reveal published a story Tuesday titled “Antifa has a rapid response team that targets alt-right organizers.” The kind of targeting the article describes is not just keeping an eye out for people on the streets, this is more organized and specific behavior that results in a published hit list of right-wing targets. In this case, “hit list” is not a metaphor. This is the list of people Antifa members plan to hit and injure if they encounter them. Reveal reporter Will Carless spoke to one of the “most militant” members of the Bay Area Antifa, a guy called Dominic who sees himself as a “Nazi hunter.” Dominic is ready to take his street battle into his target’s homes if necessary:
Dominic’s targets don’t have to be actual Nazis, white supremacists or extremists. As the story points out, sometimes anyone on the right will do:
In preparing for right-wing rallies scheduled to take place in San Francisco and Berkeley last month, Dominic and the other militants put together an 8-page handout on who might show up and added a one-page “Know Your Nazi” hit list with pictures of nine individuals including Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson. Gibson has denounced Nazis and white supremacists several times recently but he is on the list because some actual white supremacists have shown up at his previous events.
Tell me again why the Trump administration doesn’t declare AntiFA a terrorist group.