Heart Progressive is a new progressive liberal Democrat group gaining popularity among leftists. Some call themselves pedosexuals and they attempt to carve out their own niche and attach themselves to the LGBTQ community. Heart Progress is your typical left wing extremist group spewing hate towards Donald Trump, or anything not liberal enough for them. This includes people who don’t support pedophilia as they do openly support it. Twitter has suspended some of the pedophile Heart Progress supporter accounts, but there are plenty of screenshots.
#Pedo #HeartProgress #littlelivesmatter pic.twitter.com/qtKHukXs7T
— Gaia (@GaiaElio) May 6, 2017
#HeartProgress hijacking LGBT. If you're & gay, that's your business. If you're adult & pedo/apologist—
?? ???
— ✤ Ephesians 6:12 ✤ (@seeker7395) April 15, 2017
? If my 13yo daughter wants 2 have sex with her 11yo sister, I'm not stopping it. It's perfectly natural and healthy. #HeartProgress
— A. M.
? (@A1267632870) May 6, 2017
#HeartProgress – Progressive Democrats now openly promoting pedophila |
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@CaravellaBeth @PizzaGateHowie @NowellKern @LelenaPeacock @themanfronUNCLE @Kitdupree @Securityconcern @celtron777 @__Flick_ @MaryKatieHyde @steiner_ernst @DanielGaither54 @sandra8301 @blueblaze126 @MrsSpeight86 @Clive_Martin14 @misslauratyrie @Silvio99 @EqualLuv4All @WeeboJones @Hypersonic28 @KarimyMetwaly @RealShananagans @Erin5549 @mabyeez @jenties87 @FREEEDOOOOOOOM @berto42 What? So you think kids are ugly worthless blobs or something? Children are individuals who can be beatiful and very attractive.
— Mark Lucius (@Mark__Lucius) April 30, 2017
And some accounts are still active on Twitter (for now):
Antifa has some… interesting allies against #islamophobia#tcot pic.twitter.com/oR3FxFiw4x
— Gypsy RavenWraithe (@Flippintheraya) May 7, 2017
— Archie Monroe (@EveryLoveIsLove) April 27, 2017
Sex with a minor is not always abusive. Some people between the ages of 13-16 are psychologically mature enough to consent to #sex.
— Rex (@MagnaOdeoRex) February 21, 2017
So progressives are openly promoting pedophilia under the guise of LGBT. If the media would actually cover this disgusting story by leftist pedophiles, maybe the LGBT would know to response to this sick and perverted group of “progressives.” The LGBT community isn’t comprised of these type of monsters. They need to fight Heart Progress.